Friday, February 17, 2012

Bo's Twitter Meltdown

Holy shit! Did you guys see this pissing match Bo got into with a twitter follower yesterday afternoon? Usually, Bo stays above the fray on this stuff and doesn't respond. But for about an hour and half yesterday he let himself get dragged into it. And it's not a good look for him. I've got screen caps of the whole sad affair below.

First, John Bussey, who is of the same mind as me when it comes to Out of Bounds, got things started for us. Bo's been off the air four days this week (I can only assume he's at the beach) which some people were more happy about than others

Pretty harmless. I made a similar statement myself this week.

Then someone named Jeremy Rushing decided to take up for Bo. I don't know why either. I guess some people just don't understand that it's fun to shit on Bo Bounds.
 And here is the ongoing dilemma for the sports fan in the capital-area summed up: Bo's guest list is pretty good. But Bo manages to fuck everything else up in the process making his show almost un-listenable.  


Apparently, someone  thought Jeremy had a pretty good response.
 And here is where Bo makes the first of three out-of-control wrong assumptions. Here he assumes John is an Ole Miss fan (he may be, it doesn't matter) and thus that's why he doesn't like the show. Classic Bo. He can't see past himself to realize his show sucks and that's the reason why John doesn't like it. 

And based on absolutely nothing, Bo has lumped this guy in with the Message Board Warriors (TM, Y'all Lifestyle).

 Bo should work at the State Fair guessing peoples ages based only on their tweets

 Classic comeback from Bo. Another MBW reference. His second one during this exchange.

 A little over the line? Maybe. But, wait, it looks like the judge is going to allow it.

This is the most childish and immature tweet of the whole thing. Bo is such a shithead.

Actually, John nails this one. The link on his twitter bio is to The Can Man where he is listed as founder and president. Once again, Bo's wide brush strokes completely miss their target.

I am so glad Bo has a twitter because otherwise we would've missed this whole thing. But now I have so many fresh, new reasons to point how awful he is. Please never stop tweeting. Ever.


  1. I bet Bo went to The Can Man website, saw that John Bussey founded the company in 1980, figured if he was 18 then, he's close to 50 now. Then when @Bussey_John said his dad might be close to 50, he may have assumed the tweeter was actually John Jr. (Not defending the exchange, but he may have had some reasons for his assumptions.)

  2. This is so freakin funny. Can't believe Mr."I-Know-Everything-There-Is-To-Know-That-Matters" allowed himself to be dragged into this in such a public forum. What a moron! By the way, what the hell does #MIRS mean? I keep seeing it on Bo's stupid tweets. Since I only average listening maybe 15-30 minutes a week, I don't know the lingo.
