Thursday, December 15, 2011

Y'all Lifestyle Handbook: Tweeting

One of the things that drives me so fucking mad about Bo and the Lifestyle is that way that other people have bought into it. Beyond buying his clothing (update on the scavenger hunt: zero people have sent me a pic) people act like the Y'all Lifestyle is a real thing and not something that Bo thought up on the fly.

This is never more obvious on Twitter. People that tweet at @yalllifestyle  or include a #yalllifestyle in their tweets can get fucked. I mean you're having a nice day but really feel the need share (brag about) it to Bo Bounds? Do you really need Bo's approval of  your food, drink, sports watching activity? Are people really sitting around, seemingly having a good time and wondering what Bo would think about all this? Oooh, maybe he'll give me a big Y'all Lifestyle thumbs up.

Guess what, having a drink in the middle of the day doesn't make you fucking special. Neither does cooking your dinner on a grill. Everyone eats. And now you're watching football on a big screen TV. Where do I sign up for such a life of luxury and excess?
Below, the best (worst?) examples of people tweeting about their off-brand version of the Y'all Lifestyle.

Drinking my first beer. I better take a pic and let Bo know about it

Bo, did I mention enough cool stuff to be in the Y'all club?
I think I would fight this guy if I met him in person

You need one or two more useless hashtags before you can be certified Y'all status. And let's fall back on the word 'resplendent'

1 comment:

  1. You don't get it dude. EVERYONE wants to be as cool as Bo. EVERYONE. I mean, you look up the word cool in the dictionary and Bo's picture is beside it, along with a reference to the Y'all Lifestyle. Hey it's 1:25 PM, I think I'll have a scotch to go with my cigar while firing up the grill. Seems like I'm missing something...hmmm, oh yeah, useless hashtag...#YallLifestyle #shapleys #imafuckingmoron
