Tuesday, August 2, 2011

High School Football: A Yall Preview

Probably working on another blog post that he'll post in Sept.
High school football kickoff is only a few weeks away. Of all the things OOB touches on, high school is not exactly covered in-depth. But don’t let it be thought that Bo doesn’t have opinions especially quarterback play, academic eligibility, and whatever Bobby Hall wants to talk about.

In his last post on yallsports.com, Bo spread around some of his patented in-depth analysis by ranking Programs with the potential to take down South Panola. Essentially, Bo lists the best 9 teams in the state that aren’t South Panola and their keys to success.

It is not very often that Bo graces yallsports.com with his writing prowess. Usually , there are 3-4 months in between a Bo Bounds original post. So, this is a real treat for yallsports readers. 

Click through to see Bo reveal the keys to a winning program in Mississippi.

In no particular order…

So naturally, I will number them 1 – 9

Madison Central – money, community

That it’s. A two word season preview. And neither word is about football. I would have accepted Coach, Offense, Returning Starters, or Bert Carruth’s nephew. Something. Money and Community doesn’t tell me shit except that you’ve managed to boil down a football team into two things that only matter tangentially. 

Brandon – money, community, blue collar

A theme is starting to take shape. Money and Community, plus he added Blue-Collar to account all the trash in Rankin County. I guess what he’s trying to say is don’t underestimate the resources of wealthy white people.

Greenville Weston – hungry, better coaching, blue collar

Just the kind of hard-hitting facts I come to this column for. Oh, this team is hungry. Really, this is the number one reason that they may beat South Panola? I hope you weren’t reading this article for valuable information. 

And Bo continues on like this for six more teams. Never writing more than three words and spewing half-formed thoughts in a lazy attempt to describe 9 football teams and the communities they play in.

I feel like I should point out his economical use of words here. In total, Bo uses only 24 words to describe all 9 teams. And he repeats three words Blue Collar (7x) Money (6x) Community (5x) to the point where it becomes aggravating. You own the site - you shouldn’t have to pay extra to use extra words.

Why make this a post at all? It’s not like anyone expects original content in this space. You could’ve done this on twitter. No need to take up precious ad space that you could’ve sold to Turquoise Place.

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